This term we are partnering with the local community to support young families feeling the strain of financial pressures at a crucial time.
We'll be running two pop up baby bank events, the first of which is Saturday 28th January, 1 - 3 pm. We're currently receiving donations for this event - so spread the word and share social media posts.

We'll also be running a connection space for young parents and toddlers every Thursday at 10 am. Again, we'd love for you to be involved and spread the word.
If you'd like to find out more contact us on hello@foylevineyard.co.uk
Or join the Facebook page here
This is part of the family support hub pilot, supported by Derry City and Strabane District Council through the Consensual Grant Scheme.

Bringing hope to every story
At Foyle Vineyard we are looking to expand the ways in which we partner with God in delivering Hope to the stories around us.
We believe that God loves it when those who follow Him, find ways to see a city flourish, with hearts mended, anxiety broken, fear diminished and needs met.